
Willys MB Jeep is now interactive! Learn about the controls and practice starting up the Jeep with replicated models including: Lights, Fuel, Radio, Ignition.


Navigate using the buttons on screen and hover over the item you want to interact with (a green highlight should appear). Click with the mouse to make things happen.


Some tips:

The Jeep is currently empty of fuel, un-started and without anywhere to go. Think about what needs to be done before the Jeep can start.

The manual contains information about the various panels and workings in the Jeep - find it first and read it for information.

Keep track of your progress with the tick marks in the manual and hints in the bottom left corner.


Inspired by classic point and click adventures and more recent puzzle games such as Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, Road 96. This game is a self contained small training like activity designed for players to have fun exploring the Willys MB Jeep and setup various systems. Players setup 7 systems using the tools in the Jeep before the start up is complete. Using a combination of searching, reading the manual and progression the Jeep is started and ready to go on the next mission.

Release History:

- Version 1.3: Texture overhaul with Substance Painter, new environment models and design.

- Version 1.2: Highlighting Bug Fixes, WebGL Limitations and Audio Optimisations

- Version 1.1: Bug Fixes, Improvements to Player Progression and new audio items

- Version 1.0 : Jeep Model with 7 Goals to achieve, hints, point and click actions.


Audio sourced from freesound.org, archive.org and own composition. 

Addition Highlighting Script from cakeslice: Outline-Effect

Radio Samples:

Letter from America: from Nixon to Carter (1969-1980) (BBC)

Sgt. Preston Of The Yukon (Original Radio Broadcast)

VOA Voyager News Item

RCI Frequency Announcements


WebGL: Tested on Google Chrome, Edge and Safari (no sound), please make WebGL extensions active in Chrome settings if there are issues loading the game.

Development log


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